DOHA: Passengers travelling overseas will not be allowed to carry anything plus the weight of the passenger more than 100kg, a senior security official at the Doha International Airport has said.
The weight of a passengers should not exceed 80kg and similarly the weight of hand baggage should not be more than seven kg, according to Colonel Isa Al Rumaihi.
He told Asshurta (Police) magazine that passengers carrying liquid or jelly in a handbag must make sure that the capacity of the cans is not more than 100ml.
These items must be kept in a transparent polythene bag whose length should not exceed 20cm.
Any suspect baggage seen at the airport will be immediately taken to the inspection point for checks, said the official. “We will allow only 20 seconds for its owner to take it back after we have sighted such a bag,” said Al Rumaihi who is assistant director of Airport Security.
Highly advanced security equipment have been installed at the Doha International Airport and personnel are being trained to operate these machines, said Colonel Abdullah Al Kubaisi.
These equipment are best suited to detecting baggage and items therein that pose security threat.
Passengers whose baggage is lost will be duly compensated but if there are valuable metals in the baggage fair valuations will be done and the passenger will then be compensated. This was disclosed by Captain Abdullah Abdul Hadi.
wakkaakaka biiiii
Weight above 100kgs won’t be allowed on plane: Official
Diposting oleh Rangga... jam 11:12 PM 0 komentar
Bingung... bingung banget nih mw masuk sma manaaa....
Kt nyokap gw disuruh masuk boarding school.......
Tapi.... Kyk nya gk enak bgt boarding...
Emg sih bakalan ketemu temen setiap harriii....
Tapii kayaknya gk enak aja gitu nginep di asrama sekolahh...
Kan gk enakk....gk bisa ngaret kumpulim tugass...gk bisa kabur... Dll..hehehhee......
Gw sih pinginnya masuk negriiii.....
Tp kt nyokap klw masuk negri harus msk kelas international......
Y uda de.... Akhirnya gw nurut ajaaa...
Daripada entar d masukin boarding.....
Diposting oleh Rangga... jam 7:37 AM 0 komentar
Label: Sekolah
kena maag
Aduh..... Hari ini sial bangett...
Gara2 beberapa hari ini gw gk sarapan....
Maag gw kambuh....umfhh...
Sakit bgt....
Diposting oleh Rangga... jam 7:32 AM 0 komentar
Lanjutan cerita upacara
Duh gila.... Barisan gw tuh parah banget.......Udah pas pagi tadi panas banget... Barisan yg tlat dan gk lengkap attribut tuh ngadep nya ke arah matahari pagi yang bersinar dgn terangnya....
(ugghh.... Gila panas bgt..) Y ud de...Akhirnya gw dgn sabar menunggu upacara selesai......
(kebayangkan penderitaan gw..)
Diposting oleh Rangga... jam 9:07 AM 0 komentar
Label: penderitaan, senin, Upacara
Upacara pagi....
Wuih gila......Hr ini upacara nya kacau banget (4 me)...
Jadi critanya hr snin ini ad upacara bendera gt de....Sialnya gw gk tau dan gw tlat.... (parah bner..) akhirnya krna itu gw d pisahin gt barisannya.... Brg anak2 yg senasib kyk gw juga.....
2 be continue..
Diposting oleh Rangga... jam 8:07 AM 0 komentar
Label: Upacara
Bye 8F
Bye 8F i wont forget you all.
I wont forget about our togetherness, our happiness, our enjoyness, and all the precious moment that i had in this class even some moment is make me feel angry,sad,pain and hurt but i wont forget it.
because this is the best class i ever had....we like to play something fun,we like to do something weird, we like to destroy our class properties, we like to break the rules, and we all take the concequences of that (hehehe... What a rude) and in thursday 26 june. We've created the last wonderful moment in Dufan. We enjoyed played there....we had a lot of fun.and 4 me... This the last time we gather as 8F student because today...we not 8F anymore... But our memories about you will never gone...
Bye 8F... You're ROCKS!!
Diposting oleh Rangga... jam 8:03 AM 0 komentar
Label: 8F